What Happens to Your Real Estate During a Divorce?

Divorced woman packing up for home sale

Nobody ever wants to experience a divorce, but life happens and we are sometimes forced to make very difficult decisions. Going through a divorce can be an emotionally trying time for both parties. It’s easy to get caught up in all the drama and make some poor decisions throughout the proceedings. The largest mistakes often […]

The Cyr Team’s 2021 Real Estate Forecast

2021 real estate concept

It’s safe to say that 2020 has been one of the strangest years of our lifetimes—most likely THE strangest we’ll ever experience. We’ve had to adjust to new ways of working remotely, and so have most of our real estate clients. Thankfully, we were well prepared. We’ve always embraced technology and knew that this was […]

Planning Your Home Sale, Part 3: Finances

Weighing financial decisions against home sale

In our “Planning Your Home Sale” blog series, we’ve been talking about different reasons to sell your home in today’s hot seller’s market. In addition, we’ve been covering information you need to know, decisions you need to think about and moving plans you’ll want to have in place before you list your property. If you […]

Planning Your Home Sale, Part 2: Timing

Couple meeting with real estate agent during home sale

In our last article, we talked about the priorities that might be driving a home sale and helping you to develop a smart moving plan. You know what you need. You know what you want. You know how you are going to sell your current home and where you intend to move next. When is […]

Planning Your Home Sale, Part 1: Priorities

House with for sale sign in yard

Over the next several posts on The Cyr Team Blog, we will be focusing on planning your home sale. These articles are intended to provide some education and insight to help you make smart home selling decisions. Whether you are already getting ready to sell your house, on the fence about making a move or […]

Reevaluating Your Housing Needs

We hope everyone is doing well. We would like to give very special thanks to medical personnel and first responders in our area and throughout the world who are out there on the front lines of this fight against COVID-19. There are still plenty of people out there working in essential service jobs. The rest […]

Adapting to a Remote Lifestyle

6 Tips to Help You Be More Productive When Working from Home We’ve been around for a lot in our lifetimes. We’ve seen wars, recessions, bear markets and even other big virus scares in the past several decades. These events often bring about panic and fear because of the uncertainty involved. Yet, things usually get […]